Save Flex Comics: Toss a coin to your Flexers GoFundMe


We have willingly and proudly served the geek and fitness community for 6 years. We’ve created 100s of free webcomics, made you smile, laugh, giggle, enjoy, and most especially created a brand that brought out the inner geek on a quest to get fit in all of you.

Brick by brick we have built a bridge between geekdom and fitness so solid that you wouldn’t think twice now  to see someone at the gym wearing their favorite geek swag, which was taboo less than a decade ago.

We give back

We've given back along the way. We've donated, sponsored and helped countless causes, aspiring athletes, and events over the years. We've funded Children's Hospital visits with superheroes, Women's Shelter contributions, supported and worked with charities like Heartfelt Heros and Comic Care,  and donated to many small and large lifting meets. All possible because you've supported us over the years with your likes, comments, swolfies, and shares.

What’s going on? Why the critical reach for help?

We are a small home-run business. Our garage’s, bedrooms and any available space in the home is consumed by our craft. Years have gone by with not so much as a couch or kitchen table to make room for shelving and inventory. This is truly the story of a ground-up grind-daily dream. We really do live in our work - and without complaint.

The Arnold Classic was canceled this week due to the Corona Virus. This is our largest show we do each year. It takes months of preparation.  Shipping, airfare, hotel, inventory, and expo charges are all non refundable. Simply put, we aren’t large enough to absorb such a financial loss and survive. 

Meeting our Flexers at Comic Cons, Gaming Expos, and Fitness Events are the highlights of doing what we do. We love and live for it. More than 60% of our revenue comes from these events. We foresee more cancelations of large public events this year until the Corona Virus is contained. Although we understand and respect the decisions to do so, it means we won’t make it to the end of the year without going out of business.

What will we do with this money?

1) Keep going! We love serving the geek and fitness community.

2) Pay off debts

3) Build a workshop / mini warehouse  so that we can continue to grow while keeping our costs down. Intern, we will continue to keep costs down for our Flexers while still providing quality craftsmanship and products.

About The Owner

My name is Jeremy Flex.  I'm powered by you. I dedicate every day to this brand. My average work day is 17 hours. I pay myself between $0-$1,000 a week and live personally very simply. I do this because it never feels like work. I love it, it’s a life I haven’t needed (nor taken) a vacation from since I started. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

Call To Action: Toss a coin to your Flexers

If we’ve made you smile, if we've made fitness a little less intimidating for you, if we've helped you to embrace your inner geek, we ask that you help us continue putting that vibe out into the world. 

ANY amount will help. Spread the word!

Lift Long and Prosperous,

Jeremy Flex & The Flex Comics Team

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