Comic Strips
Summer Diet: My Precious by Flex Comics
The struggle is real...MY PRECIOUS... Only by Flex Comics!
The Crazy Supplement Wait by Flex Comics

Those crazies you get after ordering supplements online...the struggle is REAL!
LIFT don't STUFF by Flex Comics
There comes a time in every cosplayers life where he must decide: lift or stuff...
Personal Trainers That Don't Even Lift by Flex Comics
Give me unsolicited gym advice...and I WILL LIFT YOU.
Gym Slimer Etiquette by Flex Comics

In the gym, you aren't disliked because you're...fat, out-of-shape, fugly, weak, new. You are disliked because...
The origin of the Faux Hawk by Flex Comics

The scientific break-down of the faux hawk epidemic. By Flex Comics: One Part Fitness | One Part Comic | 100% EPIC!
Welcome to the X-Fit Wolverine!
There's a time in every mutants life where he must enter the danger room....
Godzilla: The TRUE STORY by
Now you know the true story behind Godzilla's rage. You're welcome.